Friday, February 22, 2008

devotionNINE - The Will of A Loving Father

I don't what my life will be
I don't know all the ways of my God
I don't know what my eyes will see
I cannot know it all...

I feel such promises within my soul
that there's a world you might not understand
how can I know you if I can walk
all the ways with Him...

Give me faith when I cannot see the world
Peace when I cannot feel your heart
Give me faith to believe every step's been ordained
In the will of a loving father is good

Can you believe all the joy I feel
Knowing my life is taking it's shape
Who would believe that I believe
Facing the future now

Give me faith to when I cannot see the world
Peace when I cannot feel Your heart
Give me faith to believe every step's been ordained
In the will of a loving father is good

Prayer Request

Prayer not only moves us in line with the will of God, but it invites God’s will to come and be done in our lives. The prayer of “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” in our lives is necessary.

Leeling: Pray that God will grant me the wisdom and confidence in leading the Lifegroup. Pray that this won't be a temporal commitment. Pray for God's blessing, favour and strength to be with me.
Kevin: Exams are coming and I've still got quite a fair bit to study. Pray for discipline to study and be focus. Pray for proper time management, that I'll be productive and efficient.
Glory: Pray that I will praise God in good times and bad times. Pray that I will constantly stay close to Him even if times are smooth sailing. Pray that God will help me in my preparation for my upcoming mission trip to Mongolia.
Jessica: Pray that I can experience God in a special way.I want God to touch me and change my life.
Richard: Pray for my parents' salvation and that I'll never give up praying for them. Pray for encouragement that comes from God to see me through.
Myrtle: Thank God for all these years of blessings in my life. I want to get into a deeper level of knowing Him and being close to Him. Pray that I will not neglect him in anyways when life is good.
Gillian: I want to have a close relationship with God. Pray that I can be consistent in my QT with God and I want to glorify Him in all I do.
Christine: I'm not in talking terms with my parents. Please pray that reconciliation will take place and I will be able to talk to them nicely. Pray that I will be able to put God first again in my life. I want to have more of Him each day.
Eugene: Pray for my endless project that I'm doing. Pray for strength and wisdom.

Haha, these are compiled based on the sharing that we had on Wed. Pray as it makes wonders!

devotionEIGHT - Hearing God's Whisper.

I was having coffee with a friend recently and he was sharing about how he had developed the practice of being ready to learn from any and every situation and person that he encounters. This willingness to learn from everyone requires opening oneself to what God would teach you at any given time. My friend’s thoughts struck me because if we are ready to see what God will teach us in any situation, then we may begin to realize just how active God is in our world every day.

Perhaps our eyes would become opened and we would see more and more of what he is doing all around us, all the time.

Perhaps . . .

I think a lot of times we want God to do something big—a neon sign in the sky would be helpful at times—and tell us exactly what his will is and where to go, what to do, and what it all means.
But God doesn’t work like that.

When God called Abraham out to start a new people, he simple asked him to “go to the land that I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Um, thanks, God, that’s really specific instructions, can I get some more detail here? Go. Go where? To the land that I will show you. Where is this land? Start walking and I’ll show you . . .

God was with Abraham every step of the way—even through mistakes that Abraham made—in order to bring him safely to a new land where he would start a new nation. Was there a big golden road map dropped out of the sky? No. But Abraham ended up there safely nonetheless.

In 1 Kings 19, we find Elijah on a mountain asking a question of God, and God tells him to stand on the mountain and he will pass by. Elijah waits, and the wind picks up and becomes so violent that it shatters rocks. Now that’s impressive, lots of wind, rocks shattering. But God was not in the wind. Next comes an earthquake. Okay, I mean, earthquakes do happen, but they do get people’s attention . . . that might be a good way to announce yourself, God. But God wasn’t in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire. Well, fire’s a good metaphor, God, a big fire would really get people’s attention. But God wasn’t in the fire. “And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19:12). It’s at the whisper that Elijah covers his head and goes to the mouth of the cave to hear God.

God was in the whisper.

In the quiet . . .

In the space . . .

See, God will not shout to get our attention; rather, he waits for us to become attuned to his whispers. To do that, we need space. We need stillness. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Be still . . .

Goodnight Revelation,