Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well Done Revelation!

Hey! I had lots of fun with you guys today. I was encouraged to see you guys come for this special outing. It was great worshipping with you, playing the crazy games with you, talking sessions, bbq(ing), bathing together in the open, haha and of course the company was simply great. We've set many personal goals and visions, let us work towards it yeah? Just want to let you guys know that I'm glad to be part of this wonderful lifegroup. I believed that God places us together for a reason and a common purpose. Lets' fulfil it together and continue to grow 'Revelation' in all that we do. We've got 10bucks of ice-cream voucher. Haha... When are we going to hit the ice-cream place?

This wednesday before CF, we're going to meet for dinner! We're going to have a special dinner menu by Chef Glory! Haha. We'll await for her instructions. Till then, remember to spend some time with God yeah? Read his word and reflect on it, love Him more as each day go by. I want to go to the Zoo after prelims! Haha, see monkeys, lions, tiger and my elephant!

DevotionTWO: Paralyzed By People

Good morning everyone! :)

Im amazed that this blog is already up with posts in such a short while! I hope this will serve as another platform for us to testify and share how God has been so real and gracious in our lives, your prayer requests, how your week has been (whether its good or bad) or even tell us how you spent your Valentine's Day/ Birthday/Annivesary! :D

Anyway, this morning's short passage from Psalm 56: 3-11 has encouraged me alot. I hope it does for U too.

Psalm 56: 3-11
3When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?...10 In God, whose word I praise,... 11 in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Have you ever felt if decisions u made were affected by people around you? For the reason that you were afraid to face rejection or the lack of validation from others if you had done otherwise? Or try to please people more than God?

The psalmist acknowledges his source of direction and strength and the objective of his worship. Its not a person. Its GOD! He's not going to allow the fear of man to hinder him or to restrict him.

We should look beyond the individual and keep our eyes on Him. For isnt God greater than even the most powerful person in this world? HE is the one who holds our destiny, so dont give that power of our destiny and outcomes to people. Give that power and recognition to God :)

Fear God, not men.