Sunday, March 23, 2008

devotion25 - 寶貴十架

Happy Easter Sunday Revs! xD
Today's devotion is simple. Take some time to listen to this song and ponder on the lyrics. Let's go back to the foot of the cross and thank God for all the goodness He has bless us with. Take some moment to thank God for sending His son to die on the cross for us and give us life.

主耶穌 我感謝祢 祢的身體為我而捨

帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度 使我再次能看見

主耶穌 我感謝祢 祢的寶血為我而流

寶貴十架上 醫治恩典湧流 使我完全得自由

寶貴十架的大能賜我生命 主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢

寶貴十架的救恩是祢所立的約 祢的愛永遠不改變

goodnight,kev! xD

Happy Easter Sunday

Dear brothers and sisters, I hope during this holiday you are refresh by our Lord and staying strong in your walk, dwelling in His goodness and blessings. Today, I was in church for the Easter drama that was put up by the youths. It was thought evoking - gospel made real.

Anyway the main thing was that my sister came to church with me. It was the second time she came to my church and it was a great encouragement to me. For the recent months I have seen God working in my family and the ministry that I'm in. I believe God have destined us to be loved by Him and if you have been praying and waiting for the Lord to give an answer for the salvation of your family, DOUBT no further! God will move. God will clear hinderances. God have saved and will continue to save! Our loved ones are in God's list =)

Let's encourage and spur one another to go forth into the world, into the campus, into families and into our love ones in bringing the love of our father into the world =)