Sunday, February 17, 2008

Prayer Request

UOL prelims are just round the corner and I guess many are running through their own revision before the first paper hits. Can I ask that ALL students from UOL to submit their own set of prayer request for the upcoming prelim so that we can prayer together as a Lifegrp. We'll support one another in pray, shall we?

Today, Pastor Prince challenged the church to surrender 1/10 of our brain, the only usable part of it to God and in return God will honour us by making the rest of the 9/10 of it to function like never before. Do you understand what I'm saying over here? (: To put it in simple terms, basically we are to always give God FIRST in all that we do. We should always give him our firstfruit as an offering to God. In this case, by giving 1/10 of our usable brain to God. We're telling God that we are going to surrender our all to Him. So why don't you now say this little prayer now and I'm sure God will in cause the rest of the non-active 9/10 of the brain to work in a miraculous way. Our memory bank will increase, creative juice will increase and more wisdom of God can stay put inside!

So what are you waiting for? Simply just login into the blog's account and put your request in the 'Comments' area.

1 comment:

r e v e l a t i o n said...

kevin: Pse pray for me to have more discipline in my own revision for the upcoming prelim. My 1st paper is on the 23rd Feb,Econs. I haven't even start yet.Pse pray that I'll be able to focus and not be distracted.Thanks!